Lengthening The Shadow
Continuing ill-health and countless surgeries sent Auckland business man Dave Burt spiralling down into the depths of despair and hopelessness. Something had to change. With a mate he enrolled for a ten week 'ultimate body transformation' regime at the local gym.
This thoughtful, insightful book is the remarkable story of how, with a wonderful woman at his side and the right support, a Kiwi bloke fought back. This ten-week diary will make you laugh and cry, but above all it will provide a rare insight to those struggling with depression.
"I know the pain at the gym is nowhere near as bad as the pain of depression...so I suck up the workout pain and push myself that bit harder."
A Note From The Author
"The title of Lengthening the Shadow came about at the start of the book, while I was doing my morning run in the dark. I noticed that as I moved away from the street lights my shadow was short and wide, I guess, just how I felt. The further I moved from the street light, the taller and more in proportion I looked. So, every time I passed a street light, I used it as my motivation to run, to get fit and more in proportion. At the end of the challenge I came to the realisation that throughout the journey, I had lengthened my shadow in a way I hadn’t expected. From a mental wellbeing perspective, my shadow was tall and strong."